Home is Toronto

Home is Toronto

Even though I was born and raised in Ottawa, it’s strange how quickly I assimilated to Toronto. Before I knew it, it felt like home. Granted I definitely had the typical symptoms of homesickness which everyone gets when they initially relocate, but those emotions were rapidly replaced with ones of satisfaction and comfort.

Home is Toronto

My first couple of months in Toronto consisted on living out of a den at my cousinss condo downtown. I wasn’t yet completely set on staying in Toronto as my current status was temporary, so signing a year long lease would only be a poor choice to make that early on.

Home is Toronto

Although I couldn’t say for sure that I would remain in Toronto, I was fervent on the fact that I’d stay – no matter what it would take.

When I landed my first job, I moved out of the condo and into an old Victorian home that gave me more space and privacy. Being able to financially support myself and decide where I wanted to live was a huge step for me so I wanted to take it slow.

Home is Toronto

The place that I was staying at was only for a short term lease, making it easy for me to condo shop without feeling rushed at the fact of being kicked out or stressed that I had committed to staying in one place for too long.

Home is Toronto

My aspirations were to live downtown, but at the time my salary didn’t quite cut the cost of rent. Trust me when I say that rent is significantly more expensive in Toronto than it is in Ottawa. The real estate market here is a completely different game that you don’t play with until you have some serious bank to move around.

Home is Toronto

After my lease expired, I moved into a large lofty town home a little north of downtown with a coworker (the only one decision in my life that I regret). It was a strange and tumultuous year that was only highlighted by P’s move-in. Besides that, the only upside was that it was within my budget making it a safe option.

Home is Toronto

Fast forward a year and I moved back downtown to a place that I only share with P. And though it’s been way over a year since I made the big move from Ottawa to Toronto, it feels as if I’ve already lived a lifetime here.

Home is Toronto

I’ve met so many wonderful people that I’m proud to call my friends and have created so many meaningful memories that I will forever cherish which makes it easy for me to say that Home is Toronto – for now at least.

Home is Toronto

T-shirt – c/o Peace Collective | Jeans – J Brand | Jacket – Zara | Boots – Zara | Sunglasses – ZeroUV
