A Promise to Accessorize

A Promise to Accessorize

Happy Tuesday! Today I wanted to share with you my New Year’s Fashion Resolution. Yup, while most people resolve to eat healthier and to hit the gym more often, I instead resolved to up my fashion game. How petty you might think, but it really is for the better!

I often come across eye-catching accessories and have successfully amassed myself a collection of hats, bags and jewelry that never gets worn. Well, they all get worn at least once before they’re forgotten about.

This year I resolve to take out my accessories more often and to incorporate them into my outfits in order to actually put them to good use. I figure I might as well get my money’s worth right?

Judging by how many bags and scarves I’ve pulled out of the closet so far, I’d say that I’m pretty successful in this resolution. But the real test will be to see how long I can keep this up.

A Promise to Accessorize

A Promise to Accessorize

A Promise to Accessorize

A Promise to Accessorize

A Promise to Accessorize

Top – H&M | Denim – American Eagle Outfitters | Jacket – ZARA | Boots – c/o Le Chateau | Fedora – c/o Le Chateau
