
I did some major haulage this month in terms of retail therapy. Probably bought around $100 worth of nail polish alone and quite a bit more damage on clothes and makeup. Here’s a quick glimpse of my polish haulage. I’ll be doing reviews on mostly all of them if possible. My nails at the moment are in a very damaged state as I started to work in the pool again (it closed for 3 weeks), so the chlorine expire is stripping them all bare. I’ll try my best to post up at least one swatch every two days! 🙂

My first haul is from Sally’s Beauty Supply near the beginning of the month. I had intended to go in to see how much of the Tronica collection that I could salvage and unfortunately for me, all of the good ones have already been poached by other polish collectors. Only 4 were left and Virtual Violet being one of them, I quickly snatched it up. I also picked up Dorothoy Who? as soon as I saw it since I missed out during the Wizard of Oz collection as well. Not to mention Re-fresh Mint andI  Lemon Fizz each from the Up up & Away collection.  Having missed out on most of the new holos, as soon as I saw a holo top coat, Fairy Dust, I just knew that it was meant to be! (Flying Dragon was just one of my lemmings from a long time ago and thought one extra wouldn’t hurt).

I don’t usually shop at Sally’s since it’s so far away and out of travel distance from me, so I don’t have one of those membership cards. But seeing as it was one of my rare trips to the East end of the city, I thought it would be fit to haul to my heart’s content and pick up whatever else I wanted and get a membership card at the same time! Along with the polishes I also picked up acetone that smells like mixed berries when it evaporates (amazing!) and some nail polish thinner (not pictured in post).

China Glaze – Lemon Fizz

China Glaze – Re-fresh Mint
China Glaze – Fairy Dust

China Glaze – Virtual Violet

China Glaze – Purple Dragon

China Glaze – Dorothy Who?
A few weeks later, I was wandering the mall nearest to my house with my friend Cynthia and we both decided to stop by Winners. My original intentions where to pick up some new sheets for my boyfriend but somehow (as always), we wound up in the beauty section looking at nailpolish, hair products and perfume. OPI for a steal? That’s almost never what you see where I live! I just knew that it was meant to be as well! Out of the few that were on sale, I picked up Oh So Glam! and You Don’t Know Jacques – Matte. I didn’t know that You Don’t Know Jacques was matte at the time when I picked it up and only found out after I did swatches when I got home. Not a big problem though seeing as it can be easily solved with a topcoat.

OPI – Oh So Glam!

OPI – You Don’t Know Jacques – Matte
My last polish purchase was Chanel‘s Morning Rose from their new Spring Collection 2011. I’ve been stalking the internet for swatches ever since the launch dates and promotional pictures were posted. Mimosa may be the most lemmed (sp?) shade for the summer, but yellows just don’t cut it with my skin color and always makes me look extremely sallow even when pastel. I know I just purchased a yellow from China Glaze, but $5 is just so much easier to justify with myself then $26 is.

Chanel – Morning Rose 
That’s all that I’ve purchased for this month polish wise and I feel like I’ve way exceeded my monthly limit to last me for awhile. I’m anticipating the June release of OPI’s Pirates of the Caribbean collection and so far every shade looks absolutely gorgeous! Retailing for over $70 here, I might as well start saving up for it. Sigh, more money to spend…

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post where purchased by myself for the use and review purposes. My opinions are honest and are not influenced in any way at all. I was not sponsored for this post.

1 Comment

  1. November 19, 2011 / 11:52 am

    hey!:)i saw your haul from a long time ago when you bought the adidas firebird tracksuit. I commented on youtube asking what size it was but I was afraid you wouldnt see it bc your last video was a year ago. So I’m asking you here. What size is your jacket bc I’m thinking about getting one. The reviews on the website say it runs a little small. Does it? I was thinking about the XS bc I want to be fitted and not loose. Im pretty skinny I have a waist of 22 in